Friday, March 28, 2008

Welcoming Laura

Once upon a time, there was a barbaric yawp. But that was xanga, then. This is blogspot, now. And I'm dubious.


Sharelle said...

A sincere and hearty welcome to blogspot. I hope you shall discover that xanga is a thing of the past and you will come join us.

I must note though, the "about me" section could use some revising. A nice spelling error in there (from the editor...gasp!) and the three word sentences. I expect more from you LVD. J.O.K.E (just in case...haha).

Now, I suppose no excuse remains for your lack of commenting on my blog...get to it :)

Alma said...

ah yes. apparently blogspot is the new xanga...
please do post.
Also, Sharelle is spot on in her suggestions for future improvements :P

Alma said...

whups. that was greta

Laura said...

yes, that was definately apparent ;)

Unknown said...


Sharelle said...

i heard that if you get a blog, but don't post, people start to get the impression that you might never post, and then they subsequently stop checking.

i don't know. it was just something i heard :)

J.O.K.E of course, but still. DO post!

Sharelle said...

now, more than ever. i am expecting you to post.

(this persuasion has seemed to work for me before...ha)

chRistie said...

Blogging is therapeutic, even despite the fact that it is a nasty sounding verb (too close to 'flogging').

Welcome and felicitations I suppose? :)

Margaret said...

Are you telling me that I just discovered you have a blog and it only has ONE POST?! Laura, blogging is serious business! Start acting like a grad student. :)

Alma said...

what the hell! are you so dubious that you won't even write your doubts down?